Guest vocalist Deborah Claire Procter with the ENS in concert

ENS in La Trastienda, Buenos Aires
ENS Buenos Aires

REVIEW: Estudios sobre la Grilla Acústica / Studies for the Acoustic Grid - Oscar Edelstein
Ensamble Nacional del Sur (Patina Publishing)

“The Grid” does not seem to be more orientated to an idea of future than to that of a remote past, with it’s instruments like the lithophone, it’s noises and sounds of primitive tools ( En el mundo oíd a la voz del cuchillo que hiere a la luna ) and this strange dialect that the beautiful voice of  Deborah Claire Procter articulates, that seems to border on an articulated language, with the effect of the almost figurative swarming of these tiny words, more than with Pollock, the music of the ENS seems to connect with certain landscapes of the artist Eduardo Stupía. 
Federico Monjeau, Clarin

To the singer Deborah Claire Procter it is only necessary to be grateful to her for the opportunity that toasted the audience to be able to re-discover the incomparable and inimitable singularity of the beauty of the human voice. Her intervention (perhaps for coming closer to something that might unite scat or the onomatopoeic phonetics of certain African traditions) was simply dazzling for the technical solvency in the range and her versatility in having intervened in a work that demands superlative competences in order to translate the complex interior world that it expresses
El Diario, Paraná - Carlos Marín


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