Failing / Finding / Fumbling
If you are involved in making performance then there is a really interesting video called "How we Work" on the link below of UK theatre company Forced Entertainment - a company that I respect a great deal and who have an incredible track record.
It's good to be reminded of how the process of play and improvisation are part of constructing a new performance. I liked hearing how the words "play", "stuck" and "accident" occurred various times as a description of moments that are part of the creative journey.
Also there is a discussion of how to know when a performance is finished or from where the work on a performance begins which was fascinating - and so be it a costume, a place, an object, a sense that the material has become clear and is ready to put in front of an audience, or the feeling that the material has its own intrinsic order that you have successful uncovered - "How we Work" is an excellent insight and synthesis of the creative process.
Forced Entertainment's Artistic Director has his own blog where he shares creative thoughts and observations (see below). Also he is associated with inimitable performer Matthew Goulish of Goat Island (USA), in a project evocatively titled the "Institute of Failure."
It reminded me of the image that has been circulating in facebook about "Kintsukuroi" - the Japanese art of decorating a cracked cup with gold in the understanding that it is in some ways "more beautiful for having been broken." The art of transformation, a kind of alchemy - useful not just for art but for life.
N.B. There is no direct link to the video but you can find it in the top left hand corner on the video page.
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