Discover Your Purpose

Online summit of 30 women speakers talking about purpose


I'm delighted to be one of the international speakers helping women to unlock their purpose in this online event. My topic is around and about ease and not over-complicating


- Day 02 - 

Project Your Voice - Empower Your Intimacy

Choice, Courage and Changing Seasons

Tonia Lewis LCWC, is an award winning, certified international Freedom and Success Coach, Business and Life Strategist, and speaker who empowers open-hearted, entrepreneurial women who want it ALL, to claim their heart’s desires, femininity & inner wealth.

Your Voice is your talent and your tool

Deborah Claire Procter is a successful practicing Multimedia Artist, founder of Clear Insight Productions which produces cutting edge performance work, & a mentor working with businesses on their messaging using tools from contemporary culture to act as catalysts.

Intimacy Starts with YOU

Allana Pratt is a global media personality and Intimacy Expert who has interviewed Whoopi Goldberg, Alanis Morissette and Dr. Bernie Seigel, and featured as an Icon of Influence in Huffington Post, People Magazine, and Forbes to inspire open-hearted, and unapologetic living after heartbreak. 

Diane McClay is a professional certified whole person coach, host of “Voicing Your Purpose”, founder of the Choice and Courage Co., writer, poet, storyteller, flyboarding, nature lover and compassionate optimist who helps her clients connect to inner personal power by removing barriers, in order to engage in mindful decision-making through a system of deliberate choice.  


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