Musical and Vocal Journeys

I'm more than proud to have been part of this musical journey led by Oscar Edelstein (composer) and shared with an incredible team of the ears, eyes and hands of a dedicated and skilled group of musicians, technicians, artists, designers and fellow adventurers in the avant-garde. 

It's a privilege to be warmed and welcomed by creators from another country and to receive the patience that it takes to understand someone working in a second language. 

Art is generosity and this project, "Estudios sobre la Grilla Acústica" (Studies for the Acoustic Grid) is full of the intensity and heart of many collaborators who entered into the unknown with courage and creativity. The result is two discs, Libro I (Book I) and II (which ironically were recorded in reverse order, so that Libro II was actually made in 2011), and Libro I was completed early in 2014. 

Life never goes in straight lines! These two discs and the book that accompanies them are full of zig zags and curves. They are for people who can appreciate the intensity of life and are open to the fullest expression of its passion and profundity. I hope that it is a journey that many people will want to take with the book in hand, the music playing, and a spirit of adventure.

There is much food for thought here in this project. It will take time for me to process so I expect I'll be updating my thoughts in this cyber space.

I really want to thank Elly Baltus (Netherlands)- an amazing artist and friend who has made a platform possible for this project through her publishing company. It was her book "The Architecture of the Mind", documenting her time-based commemorative sculptures, that inspired me along the road.

There are lots more people to thank - I'm going to take my time and mention them post by post. I'm taking the liberty to write in English as this is my personal blog as an artist, however I will be making sure that there are texts in Spanish and English in the other blogs of Oscar Edelstein and the ENS.

The complete package of the book and two discs will be on sale in May 2014. I'm really looking forward to all the questions and debates that it will raise!

Deborah Claire Procter

ENS - Ensamble Nacional del Sur: 

Composición, Piano y Dirección / Composition, Piano & Conducting: Oscar Edelstein  

Piano y Teclados / Piano & Keyboards: Axel Lastra  

Guitarra Eléctrica / Electric Guitar: Leonardo Salzano  

Batería / Drums: Pablo Torterolo  

Teclados-Procesos / Keyboards-Processes: Mauro Zannoli  


Voz / Voice: Deborah Claire Procter  

Saxo / Saxophone: Martín Proscia  

Piano / Piano: Ernesto Jodos  

Clariente / Clarinet: Marcelo Moguilevsky 

Muicos de la Grilla / Musicians of La Grilla: 

Fagot/Bassoon: Carlos Herrera, Saxo/Saxophone: Rosa Nolly,  
Flauta/Flute: SoKo Rodrigo, Armónica/Harmonica: Federico Linari & Batería/Drums: Danilo Abad Celleri  

Equipo / Team: 

Asistente Psíquico / Psychic Assistant: Emanuel Bonnier  

Técnico del ENS / ENS Technician: Natalia Pastrovicchio  

Asistente Técnico / Assistant Technician: Pablo Vera  

Jefes Técnicos/Chief Technicians: M. Zannoli & A. Lastra  

Asistente de Dirección / Assistant Conductor: Luis Nesa 

Asistentes de grabación / Recording Assistant: Francisco Rodríguez Amenabat  

Grabado & Mezclado / Recording & Mixing: Ricardo Sanz (Soundrec) & Daniel Hernández  

Grabado en Estudios / Recording Studio: Soundrec, Buenos Aires  

Diseño / Design

Tapa / Cover: Escultura y foto de Federico Zimerman basada en el dibujo de La Grilla Acústica de Edelstein / Sculpture & photo of Federico Zimerman based on the sketch of The Acoustic Grid of Edelstein  

Diseño Gráfico / Graphic Design: Gisela Formoso  

Dirección de Arte / Art Direction: Deborah Claire Procter  

Fotos / Photos: Cecilia Kuska & Deborah Claire Procter  

Producido por el programa Teatro Acústico de la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes  

Produced by the programme Acoustic Theatre of the National University of Quilmes  

Editor / Publisher: Patina Publishing, Amsterdam -  

Auspiciado por Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ)  

Supported by the Editorial of the National University of Quilmes (UNQ)  

Contacto / Contact:  

info [ @ ] ensbuenosaires [ dot ] com  

Facebook: ENSBuenosAires | Web: 

Twitter: ENSBuenosAires | 

Agradecimientos / Thanks 

Un enorme agradecimiento especial para Edgardo Palotta y todos los músicos jóvenes que también participaron de este disco. Como en cualquier proceso de edición hay tomas que no pudimos incluír aún, pero que formarán parte del próximo DVD en 5.1 en donde irá la segunda parte de La Grilla Acústica, esta vez re-grabada y editada en 5. 1, con fecha estimada en octubre de 2014. Un enorme agradecimiento tambien a Maru Pauken por el Planet Gong. / An enormous thank-you especially to Edgardo Palotta and all the young musicians who also participated in this disc. As in whatever process of edition there are takes that we could not include, but they will form a part of the next DVD in 5:1 where there will be the second part of The Acoustic Grid, this time re-recorded and edited in 5:1, with an estimated date of October 2014. Thanks aswell to Maru Pauken for the Planet Gong. 

Todas las publicaciones en Argentina, Latinoamérica, Norte américa y países de Europa gracias a Patina, de Amsterdam / All the publications in Argentina, Latin America, North America, and the countries of Europe thanks to Patina, Amsterdam.  


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